Jun 18Liked by Andrew Wright

"Basically visual input > auditory"

I think this has less to do with sense per se, rather with the activity necessary to make the dynamics of information flow. Hence video is equal to a podcast, while actively discussing is often better than reading.

"It is difficult to find people with the time necessary to learn in parallel with you, but if you can - it is the ideal."

I only know one solution to this, really. You have to create the group. Often you do this by presenting yourself as teacher or first amongst equals. But its not about finding. That never works. It's about creating. That might sound like semantics, but I assure you, this is a big mindset shift.

"If I could change anything now I think it would be developing more active, goal-based learning projects even if that means spending a bit less time on research."

I am genuinely confused by this sentence, as I don't see what is holding you back. This seems to be completely in your hands. If the problem is defining the active goal based learning project, and that seems difficult, DM me, I have a passion for helping in these things.

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Auditory inputs are restricted by language but visual media allow for pictures, too. Also, video is basically visual plus audio. So, while you're right that videos often do equal podcasts, I do think there is added value in the video format. The downside, of course, is that you have to use your eyes so you can't do as much walking or dish washing at the same time.

Your advice caused me to be instinctively defensive, so it is likely apt. I agree with you that taking learning into your own hands is what you have to do if you want it to work, whether that is creating the group or defining the project. I think that this blog is an attempt to form the group and it has already met with some success, particularly in connecting me with some of the participants over at Lost Tools of Learning.

With regard to creating a project, I agree that statement makes it sound like I don't have agency. While there are some limitations on my time, I do have something I am working on- designing a home curriculum that will hopefully bear fruit elsewhere in my teaching work as well. Thanks for the comment!

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I'm glad I'm useful.

I enjoy reading your posts (and response), and want to continue in the future. Your way of looking at learning and education is close enough that I understand you, but different enough that I have what to learn.

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